Meditation, Mindfulness, Mindful Awareness are terms we see a lot in mainstream media. There's lots of research out there showing these things are good for our minds as well as for our overall health and well being. There are many apps out there now for guided meditations for everything under the sun. You've most likely experienced guided meditation somewhere at this point.
But, when trying meditation without a guide, things can feel a lot different. The mind gets active, going all over the place, maybe thoughts of, "Am I even doing this right?" Then finally throwing the hands up and stating, "I can't meditate because my mind just won't stop thinking!" You may even feel like something is wrong with you because you've seen others just sitting there all 'zenned out' or people proclaiming how 'wonderful' their meditation practice was and you feel anything but wonderful.
I have found that the first step to your own personal, stillness meditation practice is learning what meditation actually is to let go of expectations that are common and keep fueling the belief that "I'm not good at meditation."
My background is in yogic meditation, so this is the lens I will speaking from.
1. The first step in meditation is Dharana or single-minded focus, which actually means the practice
of concentration. No one's mind is still when they first start meditating! The practice starts with deciding on one thing you will practice concentrating on. It can be the breath, it can be a mantra, it can be body sensations, it can be an image...there are many things to choose from. It's deciding on one thing and then just keep practicing it.
2. So, once you've choose your point of concentration, you will sit quietly focusing on it. And GUESS WHAT?! Your mind WILL wander. The mind's job is to think and expecting to just sit down, have the mind blissful clear in moments is just plain silly. It's like looking at a fish and getting upset that it can't swim. Really?!
So, please, just let that expectation go. When you are AWARE the mind has wandered, then you can gently guide the mind back to the object of focus. It's a CELEBRATION that you realized the mind wandered because you can now redirect the focus back. Getting upset the mind has wandered does no good at all, so no need to judge yourself over it any longer.
3. OVER TIME...let me say this again...over time..and with practice, practice, practice, the mind will be able to concentrate for longer and longer periods of time until...WOW, you suddenly are aware that the mind was gone or rather melted with the point of concentration with no difference between you and that focus point. Of course, with that awareness you are back to practicing concentration again.😊
4. Dhyana is the happening of meditation. The moments when you move from concentration to being just happen. Sleep is a good analogy because we don't do sleep, it just happens. The doing of sleep is preparing for bed, getting comfortable, closing the eyes and wake up. Sleep just happened. Same with meditation. We DO concentration and BEING happens (again, over time and with practice).
The more you practice, the more these moments happen and for longer periods.
Now that you know the expectation to do meditation 'right' is to sit down and the mind to magically clear right away is completely false, my hope is that if you have tried meditation before, you'll try again with a different mindset. If you haven't tried stillness meditation before, you'll start by being more realistic and kind to yourself.
The very AWESOME thing about the practice of concentration (also known as mindfulness or mindful awareness) is that, when practiced regularly and consistently, it quickly helps the mind slow down and calm down much more easily in daily life. You don't have to be in that being state to see positive changes in your daily life. Just start and keep doing it...I promise (and I don't make many promises) that you will be amazed at the changes you experience how you meet the world and challenges in life. I can vouch as it's profoundly changed my life.
I have MANY more tips and tools to help with a personal, stillness meditation practice at home, so if you are ready to experience more calm and peace in meeting life's challenges so you can feel more content, compassionate and clarity every day...
But, when trying meditation without a guide, things can feel a lot different. The mind gets active, going all over the place, maybe thoughts of, "Am I even doing this right?" Then finally throwing the hands up and stating, "I can't meditate because my mind just won't stop thinking!" You may even feel like something is wrong with you because you've seen others just sitting there all 'zenned out' or people proclaiming how 'wonderful' their meditation practice was and you feel anything but wonderful.
I have found that the first step to your own personal, stillness meditation practice is learning what meditation actually is to let go of expectations that are common and keep fueling the belief that "I'm not good at meditation."
My background is in yogic meditation, so this is the lens I will speaking from.
1. The first step in meditation is Dharana or single-minded focus, which actually means the practice
of concentration. No one's mind is still when they first start meditating! The practice starts with deciding on one thing you will practice concentrating on. It can be the breath, it can be a mantra, it can be body sensations, it can be an image...there are many things to choose from. It's deciding on one thing and then just keep practicing it.
2. So, once you've choose your point of concentration, you will sit quietly focusing on it. And GUESS WHAT?! Your mind WILL wander. The mind's job is to think and expecting to just sit down, have the mind blissful clear in moments is just plain silly. It's like looking at a fish and getting upset that it can't swim. Really?!
So, please, just let that expectation go. When you are AWARE the mind has wandered, then you can gently guide the mind back to the object of focus. It's a CELEBRATION that you realized the mind wandered because you can now redirect the focus back. Getting upset the mind has wandered does no good at all, so no need to judge yourself over it any longer.
3. OVER TIME...let me say this again...over time..and with practice, practice, practice, the mind will be able to concentrate for longer and longer periods of time until...WOW, you suddenly are aware that the mind was gone or rather melted with the point of concentration with no difference between you and that focus point. Of course, with that awareness you are back to practicing concentration again.😊
4. Dhyana is the happening of meditation. The moments when you move from concentration to being just happen. Sleep is a good analogy because we don't do sleep, it just happens. The doing of sleep is preparing for bed, getting comfortable, closing the eyes and wake up. Sleep just happened. Same with meditation. We DO concentration and BEING happens (again, over time and with practice).
The more you practice, the more these moments happen and for longer periods.
Now that you know the expectation to do meditation 'right' is to sit down and the mind to magically clear right away is completely false, my hope is that if you have tried meditation before, you'll try again with a different mindset. If you haven't tried stillness meditation before, you'll start by being more realistic and kind to yourself.
The very AWESOME thing about the practice of concentration (also known as mindfulness or mindful awareness) is that, when practiced regularly and consistently, it quickly helps the mind slow down and calm down much more easily in daily life. You don't have to be in that being state to see positive changes in your daily life. Just start and keep doing it...I promise (and I don't make many promises) that you will be amazed at the changes you experience how you meet the world and challenges in life. I can vouch as it's profoundly changed my life.
I have MANY more tips and tools to help with a personal, stillness meditation practice at home, so if you are ready to experience more calm and peace in meeting life's challenges so you can feel more content, compassionate and clarity every day...
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