Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Are You Doing These Three Basics for Mental Well Being Right Now?

Change is always happening, right? Fear is such a normal part of change because change shakes the foundation of our comfort zones. If we go with the fear reaction, we might find ourselves feeling overwhelmed and scared, trying to find things outside of ourselves to self-soothe. Some things we are doing might be more healthy, like exercise, cooking wholesome meals, talking with friends, and doing projects we have put off for years. Some things might not be healthy and even making things worse, like overeating, too much screen/ TV time, sleeping way too much, staying up really late, drinking more alcohol and using more substances...all to numb out.
If the latter is happening to you, please, it’s time to do something different. Here are top three things to make sure you are doing for your own mental care right now:
- Routine! Keeping a routine is very important in times of change. When change happens, think of the comfort zone again. It’s been uprooted so it’s a time when we can feel ungrounded, lost, without purpose. Routine helps to keep grounded.
  1. First and foremost, keep the time you wake up and go to bed the same. I’ve been hearing about people, especially teens, that have completely had their sleep times turned upside down. Awake and night and sleeping during the day. This alone will spiral into a depressive state. Get the sleep schedule back on track!
  2. Keep a regular morning and evening routine that includes hygiene, exercise and time without a screen on.  Have some evenings where TV is not allowed and read, play games with others, learn an instrument...do something different.
  3. Eat at the same time each day. This helps to keep the body and mind more clear and focused.

- Get outside! I know this will be more of a challenge depending where you live but it’s very important.
Staying inside all the time is like putting blinders on a horse, the mind forgets there’s an amazing world out there and starts to get more afraid. Get fresh air, Vitamin D, and connect with nature if possible. Even in cities, the changes in nature right now are stunning. Go experience it. Even if you need to put on a mask, it’s so worth it.

      - Be kind to yourself. This is an aspect of self-compassion. When you are aware you’re feeling sad or overwhelmed, reach out to someone, let yourself cry, give yourself a self-massage, listen to uplifting music… Have no tolerance to thoughts that are negative and self-judging. Read things that are inspiring and lift you up, which means
      limiting yourself to how much news you are watching or reading. If your FB feed is bringing you down, take a break from it, seek out groups that are more inspiring and block those who are only negative. It’s time to start treating yourself like you would a dear friend.

      These are three things I recommend at any time for mental well being. They are also the some of the first things to be let go of when we are stressed and overwhelmed. If you have any questions about how to implement these coping tools or feel you need more support, feel free to contact me through www.samyayogahealing.com/contact/ .



      1. Thank you for this Twyla. I am not following the news. On occasion, someone will send me a video regarding the virus. I may watch it and then decide if that is a fit for me. Taking care of myself body, mind and spirit and paying attention to each day and how I can implement positive directions.

        1. Cynthia, I think your boundaries are good ones!  We get to decide how we meet what the life brings and finding the ways that feel supportive to ourselves, I believe are most helpful.  Taking care of ourselves helps support the world! I've enjoyed your FB posts.
